Thursday, October 1, 2009

Scratch **erra errra (turntable sound)**

I like this film from the junkies better than the first couple we watched. It seemed to have more interesting effects. I liked how the frame was moving from side to side, it caught my eye and I don't believe they did that in the first videos. Another part that had side to side motion was when they had the shapes move from left to right. Most of it was an assortment of colors and indistinguishable patterns but there were things like the CO2 symbol. I also liked the live action of the plane and the sand creature was the best part of the film. My views on the style was pretty much the same from the first screening. I don't respond to it emotionally and it didn't keep my interest after awhile. I wanted it to slow down so I could really take it all in, instead its so hectic I can't even notice the details of the picture. I problaby wouldn't like a live action film that flashed by that fast either, even if it looked colorful and interesting. There are beautiful images and colors and pattersn everywhere that it takes more for me to be interested or care about the piece. I just don't have a desire to watch it again because I'm not emotionally invested in it. Even if you saw a painting that you really loved you appreciate the image but you also respond emotionally which is why you hang onto that painting. The scratch film junkies film didn't give me any kind of special connection, maybe because the images went by so fast. If this was a serious of paintings I could probably have more time to look at the image and respond. After writing this I have identified that the duration of these images being shown is the primary reason I don't respond to it. I don't like very quick cuts in films either. I just need more time to really apprecaite it instead of it having just glaze over. The process is defenitley unique and difficult and I apprecaite the work that goes into these films but its not what I prefer to watch. Because all the objects are indistinguishable there's no way for a close to universal meaning to be dispalyed so I also don't like that it's so subjective to the filmmaker that the viewer is on his own to write the story. I wouldn't watch a film if that's what it was for I would just make it myself.

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